If food can't be 100% organic, what is the point in eating organic food?
While we should strive to grow 100% organic food, remember that even organic certification standards do not require the organic food to be 100% organic, or chemical-free. Humans have introduced chemicals in every product we use. And we have polluted our environment so much that our air, water and soil are polluted with chemicals. What organic farming does is to strictly avoid any "active use" of any synthetic chemical during the farming process. So the certification process checks whether the process being followed by the farmer is devoid of synthetic chemicals. But farmers can only prevent the chemicals to a certain extent. The chemicals in the environment are likely to be traced in organic food as well, but only to a very limited and insignificant extent, compared to "active use" of chemicals for pest management or fertilizing the crops. So it is not a 0-1 or black-white situation, but shades of grey. To illustrate, chemical food could be rated between 7 to 10 in terms of their toxicity (10 being the highest), organic food rating may be between 2 to 5. Lower the toxin load, the better it is for human health.