Why Bio Basics?

What Keeps Us Going?

At Bio Basics we exist for blue dot that is our only home, the farmer the only indispensable person and for food that is good for all of us

Fair to farmers, true to consumers

  • Farmer determined prices. No haggling. Certified and verified products. 
  • Procuring directly from farmers ensures fair compensation
  • Directly sourcing from farmers/farmer groups; not through commercial wholesalers
  • Ensuring that 60-70% of the final product price goes to the farmer
  • Avoiding negotiating down the price of produce quoted by the farmer
  • Encouraging Organic Farming Practices so that the farmers’ natural assets (soil and water) continue to flourish

Protecting your Health

  • Zero chemical use from farm to plate – seed sowing, growth, harvest, storage, processing its all done naturally.
  • We only offer all organic whole foods! No polished white rice, No white sugar, maida or animal products
  • Encouraging use of only local and seasonal produce and avoid food from geographies afar
  • Bio Basics makes sure its products are organic by personally curating each product from farm to table.

Our verification process include:

  1. Getting reference about the farmer from our organic farmers' network
  2. Farm visit and farmer interview, and 
  3. Third-party organic certification 

Ensuring utmost transparency and traceability.

Certified by,


Doing our bit for the environment!

  • Creating a market for Organic Food to promote increased Organic Food production, thereby, keep our soil, water and air chemical-free.
  • Encouraging Organic Food cultivation which utilises much lesser water, hence conserving water & reduce the “Water Footprint".
  • Encouraging the use of local and seasonal food, thereby reducing “Food Miles".
  • Not exporting food, thereby conserving “Virtual Water” (also called “Embedded / Embodied Water”) in India ( being a water-deficient country )
  • Using cloth bags to pack and deliver food & newspaper covers for fresh produces.

Campaigning, changing lives

  • Sharing our lived experience, with whoever is ready to listen!
  • We constantly talk about the what, why and how of going organic. In newspaper columns, about food, recipes, health, about our concern for farmers and the environment, about your concerns.
  • At schools, colleges, hospitals, clubs, associations. On Facebook, Instagram, Zoom.
  • Helping everyone change, slowly or dramatically. And, if you listen carefully, you will hear change knocking at your door.