About Us
Being Bio Basics
Hi, we are Bio Basics. Committed to safe organic whole foods, decent livelihoods for farmers and preservation of our natural environment, including our heritage grains. We present 300+ organic food goodies (fresh produce – veggies, fruits and such, and groceries) and much more – everything that all our families really need. For our food, our bodies, and our homes. Sincerely sourced, directly procured from organic farmers and producers, and personally curated, these goodies are made easily accessible across India.
The Beginnings:
Ramesh and Devi launched Bio Basics in 2015. A year after they landed in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Ramesh, after 22 years of corporate world experience, and Devi, after 12 years of corporate experience and another 10 years as an activist with the organic food movement of India, working with NGOs, both in India and abroad. After growing moong, sesame and groundnuts for over 2 seasons in 2014, they realized that there was no need for more newbie farmers. Farmers needed a fair, large and sustainable market for the organic produce they were already growing. That gave birth to Bio Basics - to grow a market for organic farmers, while they grow organic food for all of us.
Our name and the motto:
Bio, the first name, was a carry forward from the founders’ stint in Europe, where organic food is known as “biologique” (Bio for short). Pronounced as bee-oh. The word “Bio” also means life, natural life and is pronounced here in India as bye-oh. Hence the first name “Bio”. “Basics”, because we like to stick to the basics, keep it simple and essential, accessible to all, as cost-effective as possible, as opposed to being a luxury for the few, complicated, showy with needless pretences. Basics, because all of us should have these products. Hence our aim to be true to all that. The upstanding carrot represents the natural root with its leaves, usually seen only after some effort of digging out this gem. Colorful, diverse, sweet, and hard to grow, but now known to all. Representing all that we are and we wish to be. And if you did not notice, the leaves of the carrot on our logo are not leaves, but stalks of grain, representing the beautiful combination of fresh produce and heritage grains that makes our food complete. After 9 years since inception, Bio Basics claims to be the largest and the most diverse granary of organic heritage grains (60+ rices, 10+ wheats, 10+ millets) in India.
Our Dream
We dream all day of food! Safe food. For all. So that, with every mouthful, we feel thankful to Mother Nature that sustains us. We put our heart and soul (and the video-making talent of the son of one of our good farmer-friends) into this video clip, so you know who we are, why we do what we do. So do us a favor, watch this short video.
Our Offerings
We bring to your table (no pun intended!) all that all your family needs. For your food, your bodies and your homes. All organic and chemical free. Because at Bio Basics, everything is organic and organic is everything. For us, organic is a way of life. Not just a product to sell. We eat what we sell, and we sell what we eat. So we offer vegetables, fruits, herbs, greens (for those in select cities) and all other grocery items (rice's, millets, flours, oils, spices, sweet nothings, salty somethings and then, a lot more) across India. We say a loud NO to refined food, animal products, processed junk, and imported exotics. If it is not offered by us, you probably don't need it! Like we told you, we don't eat those, so we don't sell those. Simple.
Our Vows:
we are married to
Safe Food:
Organic and whole food. Local and seasonal. Grown, harvested, stored and transported without any chemicals. Minimally processed. Retaining all the nutrition Nature intended.
Being genuinely organic:
Personally verified farms/farmers. Four step due diligence of the farm/farmer (Reference, Visit, Certification and Product Testing). We can tell you which farm and farmer grows any of our products. Just ask us! Trust through transparency and traceability.
Happy Farmers:
Paying them decent remuneration. No haggling. Payments on time. Direct purchase. Respect for all their produce - no grading.
Being Nature friendly:
“If you do just one thing—make one conscious choice—that can change the world, go organic. Buy organic food. Stop using chemicals and start supporting organic farmers. No other single choice you can make to improve the health of your family and the planet will have greater positive repercussions for our future.” That’s Maria Rodale, author and activist. But we don't stop there. Preserving Biodiversity by mainstreaming alternate varieties of rices, wheats, pulses and millets. Getting you comfortable with cloth packaging. And hey, we will never think of walking away from this marriage. We rather stop selling safe organic food, than dilute any of these vows. Seriously.
Our Campaigns
We talk. Loudly. Through articles in print media and posts in social media. We share our beliefs, knowledge, experiences and that of others. Just so we can get more of you to join Nature. Just so all of us can be healthy and happy.
Why us?
Because we are the BEST!
Ok…not necessarily the best, but most definitely the most committed to organic whole foods AND heritage grains AND your health. How?
Because we KNOW OUR FARMERS. We know which farmer each of our products comes from, how s/he went organic, and why?
Because we sell NO HIGHLY REFINED PRODUCTS - white sugar, maida, refined salt - even if it means foregoing sales!
Because we sell NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS (dairy, egg, meat, fish etc.) because it is extremely difficult to ensure these are fully organic because of what is fed to them.
Because we OFFER 60+ RICES, 10+ WHEATS, 10+ MILLETS, even if it does not make business sense, because we are “giving to the future”, saving these heritage grains for our children and their’s.
And we make it easy for you to be healthy.
We offer EVERYTHING YOU NEED - one-stop shop for all products for your food, bodies and homes.
We make it ECONOMICAL FOR YOU - by procuring directly from farmers and selling directly to you, by avoiding all fancy frills, just keeping it simple. But please don't compare our prices with chemical food. Chemical food is slow poison. Organic whole food is safe food.
We make it EASY FOR YOU to get - easy to order (over phone, email, WhatsApp, online, mobile app, Amazon), easy to pay and easy to get (always home delivered wherever you are in India). Even Amazon does not make it that easy! Just say "Hi" over Whatsapp, and we will be at your doorstep! Well, almost.
And then, we believe in EMPOWERING YOU with our practical knowledge and lived experience, so you can be on this path of healthy, sustainable living on your own.
Our Team

Our team makes all the above possible. Day-in and day-out. Young folks from almost modest backgrounds. But all growing fast into responsible roles.
Selvam runs operations, leading our packing ladies and our drivers, bringing in products from farmers, getting them neatly packed, and sending them your way.
Prashant runs sourcing, talking over the phone with farmers, visiting them, checking on their farms.
Sasi runs our online shop, watching sales going ka-ching ka-ching every minute, keeping a hawk’s eye on our website.
Mani and Kani talk to our customers, helping them decide, getting their bills done.
Unni keeps everyone in check, managing our software, reporting, facilities, and fills in whenever there is any need anywhere.
Our Board

Mooi, Chair-Cat (CC), chairs all Board Meetings. Hard to please, nimble footed, and inspires calm confidence. Weighs 3 kilos. All of 9 years old. As young as Bio Basics!
Mia, Managing Dog (MD), brings in the energy and excitement that the rest of the Board badly needs. Weighs 23 kilos. The gentle beast. Loud bark. Fluffy tail.
Pablo, the Intern, a new arrival, lots of energy, and beautiful looks. Does not leave the MD alone, and reveres the CC.
Vishnu Potty, Director, based in Kochi, ensures that the MD is on a tight leash! Previously Head of a large campus in Coimbatore of an even larger IT Company, having built it from the ground up.
Lakshmanan Iyer, Director, is quite friendly with the MD, except her licks. Previously Commander with the Indian Navy designing submarines and later engaged with Isha Ashram working on its organic farming initiatives.
Shivakumar Mani, Director, based in Mumbai, a marketing wiz, obsessed with superior customer service, providing strategic inputs, all while managing our Mumbai distribution centre. Previously with marquee MNCs leading sales and marketing efforts across B2B and B2C segments.
Devi, Co-founder, watches the operations team like a Mother Hen, while spending hours on the farms and on the phone with farmers and consumers respectively. Experiments with new grains and new recipes. Worked as a food and environmental activist with NGOs in India and abroad on sustainable food and farming. Previously, a consultant with Infosys, part of the anti-Bt Brinjal campaign, the Urban Leaves kitchen gardening initiative, and the Save Our Rice campaign conserving 100s of traditional varieties of rices. An activist at heart, the conscience-keeper of the Board. On the Board of Bharat Agro-Ecology Fund, funding other ventures and projects in this space.
Ramesh, Founder, deals with Marketing, Finance and Strategy, while serving the CC and MD hand and foot. The guinea pig for all of Devi's food experiments. Previously a fund manager and head of strategy at an MNC, having worked across US, Netherlands and India. Now refuses to travel without Mia on ecological grounds.
Certified Brand
Bio Basics is certified under third-party organic certification in line with the National Program of Organic Production (NPOP) standards prescribed by the Government of India. We are certified by ADITI Organic Certifications Pvt. Ltd, which is an authorized Certification Body under the NPOP protocol. We are also licensed by FSSAI (Food Safety Standards Authority of India) for all our products.