Bio Basics in Media

The Taste of good health

Vegan is the way to go

Its only natural

Indian Express Its only Natural

Indian Express Chennai Edition Its only Natural


Nature's hair conditioner with no side effects

June 29, 2019, The Hindu Metropolis

How to harvest and process tamarind?

March 29, 2019, The Hindu Metropolis

Why aren't we eating more Moringa?

March 8, 2019, The Hindu Metropolis

The making of organic jaggery

March 8, 2019, The Hindu Metropolis

Try a heritage rice variety, this Pongal

January 10, 2019, The Hindu Metropolis

The brown and beautiful grain of Karnataka

November 8, 2018, The Hindu Metropolis

Memories of peanut farming

September 20, 2018, The Hindu Metropolis

Seeds of change

July 17, 2018, The Hindu Metropolis

Who is afraid of red rice?

June 19, 2018- The Hindu Metropolis

Heritage in every grain

June 2, 2018- The Hindu Metropolis

The mango with a beak

April 20, 2018- The Hindu Metropolis