Are you mentally ready to go organic?

Over the past 10 years, talking to so many families, we have seen a pattern. About whether they would be happy going organic. About whether they are mentally ready to go organic.

And when I say “organic”, I mean safe, chemical free, whole foods.

Those who are ready, tend to go organic, and remain organic. Happily.

Those who are not mentally there yet, tend to try it, drop it, and go back to eating whatever.

So we came up with this questionnaire. 11 Questions. That’s it. For us to know if we personally are really ready, mentally, to make the switch to organic.

Not to know if organic food is good for you. We believe organic food is good for everybody.
But to know if YOU are ready to enjoy organic food.

These 11 questions probes you on what you know or think or believe about your food. There are no right or wrong answers. Just what you think.

Takes about 5 minutes. Your time starts now!

Take Quiz!

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