If you want to make a resolution for 2024 and want to keep it alive, just read on…
We all seek to be healthy in the new year. Some translate it into yoga, some into going to the Gym regularly, some into other exercises, some sleeping in time, some into meditation and so on. Most of these are tough to sustain for most of us. We typically last an average of 3 days before these resolutions evaporate into helpless fatalism.
But here is what we miss out. We typically make resolutions that are too much of a stretch for us, sometimes a long leap of over-confidence! It is bound to fail, unless you are like Eliud Kipchoge, the Kenyan marathoner who has beaten all records set by humans so far!
So why plan to fail? Why not choose a resolution that is easy to keep? Interested? Continue to read on…
Health is a function of many factors. Let us look at each of them quickly and see how easy or difficult these are to implement in our daily lives.

Exercise: It is laughable how many of us sign up for the Gym paying hefty fees upfront, and we just drop out. Same is the case with yoga, pilates, running, walking or any other form of exercise. It takes a lot of time and commitment, and of course, I forgot…tons of will power!! Probability of continuing on a strict exercise regimen for more than a month: 20%

Stress Management: Easier said than done. Most of us hold a stressful job in a hyper-competitive world. Sure, we can walk away from all that. I personally did. But the conviction and motivation required for walking away is almost too rare to come by. Meditation of any kind is indeed a solution, but that again requires tons of will-power.

Sleep & Rest: Who does not love some rest and sleep? But most of us find it tough to pull ourselves away from other commitments, including our indulgences, like OTT, social media and such. Most of us are not “morning” people. So “early to bed, early to rise” has become a signature of only the senior citizens, not those leading an “active” life (aka “night life”).

Environment: We live in the world we live in. Our air and water are polluted to various degrees, depending on where we live. Cities have vehicular and industrial pollution, and rural areas have chemical pollution. We are forced (there is a way out, though!) to use chemicals in many ways at home - detergents, soaps, shampoos, cosmetics, perfumes, etc. So how can we run away from all that? Almost impossible! Unless you systematically wean yourself off.

Sun and Nature: Forest walks are just dreams! We don’t even have proper pavements or footpaths in most cities. Or they are confined to an ecotourism trip once every 5 years! Our fancy clothes and tight-fitting shirts, jeans and leggings are designed best for the AC, not the Sun. Wear any loose fitting clothes in a tropical country and you will get laughed out of the room for being so unfashionable. So most of us in the cities go from “lobby to lobby” - from the lobby of our building into an AC car to the lobby of our office, restaurant, or airport. And we are so afraid of mud that we call it dirt. We come across Nature nowadays mostly in ads (nice pictures and videos) on social media!

Diet: Then of course, we can subscribe to a fancy diet - go from one extreme to another - from breatharian to paleo. But most of these diets are a shock to our very being. It shocks the body, mind and soul. And yes, this is the most difficult to sustain, because every cell of your body wants to reject it. Because that is not how you grew up, because that is neither traditional nor sensible, because it is just not you!
So what are we to do? Here is the tip you have been waiting for.
Eat your regular food that you love. Just make it all organic! Simple.
Eat your way to health. No need for gym memberships, changing your lifestyle upside down, quitting your day job, or becoming a holy man or woman! Just eat organic.
Why and how would that work? Well, in short, what we eat today (unless you know it is organic) is laced with all kinds of chemicals. Whatever we eat, day in and day out. Every single meal. These chemicals are mostly EDCs - endocrine disrupting chemicals, which mess up our body’s basic abilities to regulate our organs. Leading to a host of diseases - both diagnosed and waiting to be diagnosed. So best to stay away from food that is NOT organic. That way most of the damage that we are doing to our bodies is stopped and Nature will let your body heal, recover and swing back into health, without much effort or spend!
Try it out in 2024. It is easy to try. Because there is minimal effort in simply choosing to buy your favourite fresh produce and groceries from a trusted source of organic food. Try Bio Basics for a few months and see if you see any difference. If you feel worse, you can always stop. But my bet is (I have seen many families swear by this) eating organic will make you feel better - not just physically, but also emotionally.
So if you were looking for a resolution in 2024 - Eat organic - the easiest way to stay healthy. It is literally at the click of a button. And do it now!