Peep the newest addition to the Bio Basics store - Black Cowpea. Black, beautiful, bold we are so excited to add this exquisite pulse to our collection.

As soon as the cowpea arrived, it was quickly made into a kadala curry esque gravy. Paired with sorghum flour puttu. A nutty, delicious combination.

The black cowpea, just like other black legumes/grains is rich in anti oxidants and anthocyanins. Its delectable, high in dietary fibre, protein and nutritious.This time it is from our farmer in North Karnataka , we had received a small batch last year from Wayanad in Kerala. This cowpea would be perfect for curries, sundals, bean burritos, salads, Kerala erisherry, and burger patties too. As always to try this legume, click here!

For a round up of all the black grains and pulses on our plates-check out our post! Our journey of exploring traditional & unusual grains has led us down this rabbit hole of beautiful, bold black pulses and rices & a black wheat.
To celebrate these antioxidant, anthocyanins rich foods- we have created an exclusive category on our website – Black is Beautiful!
With every black pulse we re-discover, we are enriching the diversity not just in our plates but also in our fields! Our offering and you're consuming of all these rare grains and pulses ensure our farmers continue to grow these and revive them from just fading into the oblivion. If you can champion diversity while having healthy and delicious meals, what more is needed!?