Celebrating Walking Together

I wish I could say these 100 months at Bio Basics have gone by in a blink of an eye. They have not! I have lost hair, & I now see more grey in my beard. So many scars, some fresh, some old, all reminding us of the lows of the journey so far. The highs have been fewer and hard won. But this month, as we look back at 100 months since the birth of Bio Basics on the Environment Day in 2015, we have cause to celebrate.

100months celebrations of biobasics

“Celebrate what?” Devi asks me. And I say, celebrate that we are still standing, amidst the storms of cost, floods of convenience and hurricanes of ignorance. We are still standing.

Celebrate 100 months of learning. Learning that good things in life do not come easy. Cheap food is almost never the best. Organic, whole, local & seasonal foods are tasty and high quality food. Food that nourishes. 

Celebrate 100 months of serving. Serving thousands of families across India chemical-free, carefully curated, sincerely sourced food, so the families can live happy lives, away from disease.

Celebrate 100 months of supporting. Supporting thousands of farmers, find a market for their hard-grown organic produce. A market fair to their labour. A market grateful for their passion for the land.

Celebrate 100 months of preserving. Preserving soil, air, and water. Lifting somewhat the burden of chemicals on their voiceless nurturing of our children. Saving for our grandchildren, giving to our future.

Celebrate 100 months of conserving. Conserving 100s of grains we never heard of before. Rices, wheats, millets & pulses. Not just the few of the mainstream. But also the diversity of the alternate.

Celebrate 100 months of providing. Providing meaningful purpose to our modest team. So they nurture their families with no guilt or shame of what they do at work. So they believe that there is hope for all of us in the future.

Celebrate 100 months of partnering. Partnering with social enterprises, all pulling in the same direction. Towards sustainability. Despite all odds. Devoid of profits. So their commitment stays rewarded, and their motivation honoured.

Celebrate 100 months of enjoying. Enjoying tens of rices on our dining table. In all forms, all colours. Shaped to different cultures and cuisines. Each day, a new experience. An experience of the beauty and bounty of nature.

Celebrate 100 months of sharing. Sharing stories on social media. Stories told quietly by grains, oils, spices & salts. All so awe-inspiring. All so insightful. Sad stories at times. But stories of hope, nonetheless.

Celebrate 100 months of losing. Losing money. Every month. Knowing that there are those among us who care for things deeper and higher than returns. Setting our priorities in life right. Health before wealth. Prevention before cure. Passion before profits.

Such milestones don’t come along often. But when the journey is so filled with celebrations each moment, why won’t we keep walking? In rain, in sun. Through sweat & tears. 

Every step, we hear the voice of the voiceless, their feeble hum, singing to us that life is bigger than us all. So why won’t we keep walking? 

Come, walk with us.

1 comment

  • Congratulations dear Ramesh & Devi. Love your passion to serve the society and to give back to the society against all odds. Wish you all the Best for all your endeavours.

    Vijayalakshmi Bansal

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